Wednesday, March 9, 2016

see real time hacking around the world

33,000 websites are hacked every day norse-corp is a real time map of website hacking attempts. You can see a flurry of hacks coming from eastern europe and China.
People often ask me why would anyone want to hack their website. Well... are three main reasons they want to breach your security.
1.       They want your website to send out spam.
2.       They want data your website may contain such as mailing list details, credit card information, or user passwords
3.       They want to install code that will download malicious software onto your website visitor's machines.

So... how do you avoid being hacked?
1.       First of all use ridiculously secure password to your backend website. Store this password in a program such as LastPass so you never need to remember it.
2.       Rotate your passwords every quarter
3.       Don't use the same password on other accounts. Remember if you use a program like LastPass you'll never need to remember it, even while using your phone.
4.       Never use admin as a username
5.       If you use WordPress make sure your themes/plugins/and core software are up to date weekly
6.       Also if you use WordPress install and configure security plugins like WordFence and BruteProtect
7.       Finally, Host with a company that has ridged security protocols. That $3 a month hosting might not be your best option.

Now... how do you know when you website is down? Do you check it every 5 minutes? No. Let Pingdom do that for you. It's easy to sign up for a free account that will monitor your website.
What do you do if your website goes down.
Contact your web host or web developer in charge of your website. You'll need your host login to do this. From there open up a ticket saying your website is not loading and include a screenshot. Or if you really want some results give them a call just be prepared to wait in line.
Most importantly make sure your website is backed up. There is nothing sadder in my world than a ruined website that has no backup.
Thanks and stay safe out there

Related to:
Prevent Website Hacking
watch website hacking
stop wordpress hacking
 see real time hacking around the world